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Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Concert Review: Katy Perry's Delectable California Dreams Tour

Katy Perry's California Dreams Tour is only my second concert for the year but it's already my #1 favorite concert of the year - and the other acts who are coming here may have to do a lot, just for me to change my decision.  Ironically, that Sunday night outing almost turned out sour!  For us who were not able to get the front seat tickets and had to content ourselves with the Titanium ones (not cheap huh at 7K each!!) had to come early since the seats were first come-first served - so my friends and I were already queueing at 5:30PM!  We were able to enter around 6PM and we spent the time waiting for the show to start by eating Mcdo burgers, the ladies had their pics taken at the Dove booth and we made small talk, excitedly waiting for the show to start.

The front act, DJ Skeet Skeet came on at 8PM and dj-ed for about thirty minutes, playing today's popular dance songs.  His act ended at 8:30PM and we all thought the show would start by 9PM.  However, the clock ticked at 10PM and still there was no Katy!  People were already starting to boo!  Anyway, at around 10:10, Katy started the show and apologized for the delay due to some technical difficulties.  We soon understood why the "technical difficulties" were important to her show!

Katy interposed a story video of her metamorphosis from being an ordinary girl to Kitty Perry and between that video story, was her show!  She opened her show with Teenage Dream and then followed it with Hummingbird Heartbeat and Ur So Gay.  However, there were several parts which I enjoyed a lot!  First of all was her Hot and Cold sequence where she changed seven times on stage!  It was confounding to us to see her make so many costume changes in so short a time!  The piece-de-resistance was when two dancers sprinkled her with gold dust and as they settled, her dress also changed at the same time!  Que nivel!

Another great part of her show was when she asked a guy to go onstage so she could kiss him!  It was the very hunky Ivan Dorschner who offered, (although my friends think they should've gotten a moreno guy!) and he went upstage and got a wet smack from the handsome guy!

Katy sang all of her hits and as her show peaked she topped it with some foam-spraying when she sang California Gurls!  I also loved her Firework sequence where actual fireworks emanated from the stage!  That was tres cool!  Then, she also had  a laser lights sequence, although I forgot for what song!  With all the special effects Katy had on her show, we finally understood why technical difficulties really mattered!

Can't wait for Katy to release her next album. She has joined the ranks of Madonna, Kylie Minogue and Lady Gaga - pop singers whose concerts are truly grand spectacles!
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